PMU-B Cluster Coordinating Office (PMU-B Cluster) promotes and builds good friendship with PMU-B, Tha Asia Foundaton, Google USA., DMAP, CODE COMBAT, KKU and other universities.
across the country in the academic and educational sectors for everyone to work together to create a systematic structural development to create a Let's Code workforce development ecosystem for Thailand and APEC countries to be strong and usable in the long term to build a stable manpower and have strong quality to have skills that meet the needs of modern industries today and in the future.
สำนักงานคณะประสานงานคลัสเตอร์ บพค. Website : LINE OA : Youtube :
#LetsCodeThailand #APEC2022 #PMUB #TheAsiaFoundaton #DMEP #googleUSA #CodeComBat #KKU #PMUBCluster #สำนักงานคณะประสานงานคลัสเตอร์ #บพค